March 2023 Newsletter
Monthly roundup: tree frogs from Chernobyl, a brain-controlled robotic arm, and mastodon tusks
Happy March! Check out our new adapted scientific articles this month:
In What can tree frogs in Chernobyl tell us about radiation?, researchers studied frogs around Chernobyl to learn about how radiation affected nearby animals.
#Biology #Evolution
Check out this Lesson Idea video we’ve put together to go along with this article! It includes an interactive activity simulating the process of natural selection for bacteria:
Can a robotic arm be controlled by the brain? is all about how scientists developed a system to help patients with tetraplegia control a robotic arm directly with just their brain.
#Neuroscience #Technology #Robotics
What can tusks tell us about the lives of mastodons? covers how researchers analyzed the tusk of a long-dead mastodon to learn about its life.
#Paleoscience #Chemistry
In What was the impact of a delayed second COVID-19 vaccine?, researchers wanted to know if delaying the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine until more people had received their first was effective. #Public #Health #Medicine #Epidemiology
How does farming impact air quality? explains the link between farming food and air pollution. #EnvironmentalScience #Agriculture #AirQuality
That’s not all!
We also have a new Ask-a-Scientist video from Dr. India Schneider-Crease and Dr. Snyder-Mackler studying geladas in the field in Ethiopia! Check it out:
Finally, we have a new installment of our Ask-a-Scientist podcast. Listen to this episode to hear from Dr. Allison Master about stereotypes and confidence:
We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched an official Science Journal for Kids community on Facebook! Our goal is to create a space for SJK lovers to connect and share practical tips and ideas. If you’re interested in joining this fast-growing community, visit the page and submit a request here:
We also have another live Q&A workshop coming up on March 9th! This online session is for teachers who'd like to explore our available resources and receive helpful tips on using them effectively in the classroom. Watch this video to learn more:
Join us at 5 pm EST, Thursday, March, 9th! The workshop is free but pre-registration is required, so make sure to sign up at this link:
We offer only high-quality FREE science teaching resources. Please, share with educators in your networks!
Happy science exploration!
Tanya Dimitrova
Founder and Editor