Ready for the eclipse?
Your kids could do scientific research during the eclipse! Monthly roundup from SJK
Happy April! Who’s excited about the upcoming total solar eclipse? We sure are! One of our four new adapted scientific articles this month covers research done during a previous eclipse in 2017. And guess what: the researchers are calling for citizen scientists to help gather more data during this one. Find details in:
How do animals behave during a solar eclipse?
#SolarEclipse #Zoology #Biology #CitizenScience
Shifting gears to biomedical science and vaccines: Check out our new SJK Academy video about measles to learn how it kills even more people than we think.
Pair the video with this adapted article and the additional resources linked to it!
#InfectiousDisease #Epidemiology
How can we tell whether we are talking to a computer or a person? is about how humans try to differentiate between computer- and human-generated text.
Or you could watch the SJK Academy blackboard video version of it:
#Technology #MachineLearning #AI
In How have the life choices of women in India changed over time?, researchers analyzed survey data to learn about how the life trajectories of young women in India have changed.
#SocialScience #Economics
And finally, How do dolphin mothers speak with their babies? explains how bottlenose dolphins use higher frequencies to communicate with their calves, possibly similar to human “baby talk”!
#MarineBiology #Echolocation
If you’re still here, check out this collection we put together covering socially important research. Introducing students to empirical research is critical in fighting misinformation and social polarization.
Happy science exploration!
Tanya Dimitrova
Founder and Editor